Safeguarding Team

If you have any concerns about a child with regard to Safeguarding or Child Protection issues you should contact:

  Name  Role
SHart Mrs S Hart

SENDCo and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders

  Name role
Sgunner Miss S Gunner

Principal and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Copy of NK Miss Kelly  Vice Principal and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

The Academy Committee Member with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection is:


  Name Role
P. Cooper

Pam Cooper

Chair of Academy Committee

Pam Cooper, the Chair of the Academy Committee, should be contacted in the event of a concern regarding the Principal. 


Children's First Contact Service (CFCS)

CFCS is a single, quick and easy referral and assessment pathway to access Children’s Social Care in the London borough of Sutton. 

Tel: 020 8770 6001

Out of hours number: 020 8770 5000


If you have a concern about a child and would like to make a referral to CFCS, please follow the link below:

Make a CFCS Referral Here